Wednesday, October 21, 2020



If prayer is you talking to God, then instinct is God talking to you.

Yesterday morning, everyone came to my house before my Aunt flew back to Florida. On the way to my house...

Just wanted to publicly thank God for protecting the kids and I this morning! Driving down to my moms, I was in the left lane and approaching a yellow light and getting ready to move into the right lane. My gut (God) last second told me to just stay in the left lane instead of moving over. So, I'm sitting at the red light. Not 10 seconds later a trucker in the right lane comes FLYING, I'm talking had to be going 80 mpg through the red light (either texting or not paying attention at all). Had I of moved over, the kids and I literally would be been smashed. Super thankful this morning. 

I was rattled when I learned this. Let me say, I am so incredibly grateful my daughter listened to her instincts. I believe she couldn't have known what was about to happen. I also believe if she knew she needed to stay where she was, she was listening and obeying a voice that spoke to her soul. 

If you've never experienced this, it's near impossible to explain or understand. It isn't your own voice, because you don't know and could not have known, but God does. 

I went up into my prayer journal. The night before I had written down a prayer of protection and safety over my kids and grandbabies and diligently prayed. I prayed and always pray angels are kept around them to keep them safe and from harm. As the world is increasingly becoming unsafe, I do have the power to pray a hedge of protection around my sweet little descendants. While they have a life to live and I cannot always be present, I have the power of prayer which is more powerful than my own presence. 

My grandmother always told me she prayed for me every day. I am a praying grandmomma and I am so incredibly blessed and grateful my daughter is such a good momma and listens and trusts when her instincts raise alarm. 

Thank you, God, for their safety and protection, in that car was my heart.