Saturday, October 10, 2020

Warrior Princess


My Sofia is a warrior princess by nature. Fiercely independent, I know she challenges everything she wants and believes in. It runs through her veins and it is who she is. Give her a sword and a battle to win and she won't stop. 

The video my daughter posted was hysterical. Sofia was relentless with the sword, chasing and whacking her cousin over and over. 

Little brother sipping his juice in wonder and awe. 

Sofia was in her glory. Dressed like a princess, her hair tossed every which way and a dragon to slay. 

When the wrestling match began, she was tackling and on top of the pile, when she realized she wanted her mask.

Her mask in place, she went back into battle. 

Living her true design she is feminine, beautiful and valiant. She wants to be caught up in something greater than herself. 

Sofia battles for what she wants in most things. It isn't disobedience, it's more determination. She knows what she loves, she's willing to stand at the battle line, and fight for what she believes in.  

While the battle may wear you out all day, every day... one day, this beautiful warrior princess will fight for love. She will fight for who she loves, for her family, her children, and for all things she believes in. 

It is her God-given nature and strength to protect what is hers in a world that is out of control. 

Messy hair, don't care