Monday, February 3, 2014


The last visit in the hospital plus a change in meds has resulted in a real change in Brooke's personality and perspective ... finally.

I believe she may have reached her rock bottom ... finally.

Finally, she has replaced her quest for destruction with personal goals. She has replaced self-harm with becoming a vegatarian to be good to her body (This is slightly annoying for this mom who doesn't know how to cook a meal without a meat), she is doing the work to dig herself out of the hole at school so she passes 8th grade, and she is working on being more respectful to adults.

My favorite is she doesn't go from 0 to 100 without a trigger hoping hell breaks loose. When she doesn't get her way, she sulks. I can handle sulking.

We still have a lot of work in a lot of areas, at least there is finally a willingness and I feel a shift has happened.