Friday, February 14, 2014

A Love Letter

My Perfect,

Today is Valentine's Day today and like every single day from the moment our paths crossed again (20 years later) you have opened my life, my mind, my hopes, dreams and my heart just by being you.

You know I think you are the most handsome boy in the world and crazy sexy. Excitement was exploding in my heart when I saw you that first time after 20 years and I couldn't believe the man you became. It was your same voice, your same expressions, you, life made into a man I admire and respect so much.

The moment you kissed me, I declared to my closest friends that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were going to be significant in my life. I just never knew all limits were going to be removed and how significant you were going to be.

You are the million qualities I have wanted for a lifetime, so many I had forgotten ... God remembered.

I love our shared faith, political views, and how you remain steadfast as the man in this relationship. I trust you to be in control. I let you be the boss. ;-)

I love our routine, those anxious moments when you pull in the driveway and I am waiting with the door open thrilled to see you and bursting inside to kiss you.

I love our normal ... dinner together or cooking together and sharing a new favorite television series cuddled on the couch, happy and content being home.

I love trusting and handing over to you whatever is not going right and seeing you step up and handle/fix all situations.

I love when you reach down and hold my hand.

I love our laughter and the way you shine brighter in those moments when plans don't seem to come together well.

I love that there is no place in the world I want to be as long as I am with you.

I love knowing that there is one person in this world that I would follow anywhere because, "I'd rather live in his world, than without him in mine (Midnight Train to Georgia)."

I love to this very day that fireworks still go off in my heart when you pull me in your arms and kiss me. It feels like a spiritual union where the heavens open and the angels sing that something in this world is right.

I love knowing that even in imperfect moments when life happens, a perfect storm rages, and we are not each others favorite person, we choose love.

You are my every birthday wish, my every wish upon a star, my countless prayers that have gone up to heaven to a holy God ... my whole life.

I love you, David, and I love our life together.

Happy Valentine's Day
