Monday, February 10, 2014

"She Is Awake!"

I slept through the night! A major breakthrough for me who is up for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night, every single night. A small sign of success is enough to rejuvenate me and I am ready to tackle the day. In fact, I feel like a shot in the air has gone off at the starting line and am ready to go full speed out of the 'waiting room' that has kept me close to home.

When I seek, search, and hover close to God like a lifeline, I am in a quiet place where I hand all things to Him am filled with peace and calm, but most importantly I can hear what He is saying back to me.

When life is loud and I am running around with my hair on fire, I cannot hear His still small voice. I miss His communications and messages, because I am too busy and in control.

There is a common theme that continues to present itself sometimes a couple times a day in my thoughts, in messages, and in everywhere I look:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12, NIV).
What is this storm that has hit me in every area of my life? 
I believe, when you get closer to breakthrough, when you are open and getting close to lining yourself up with God's will and wanting to live in significance that has become my quest, that the powers of the dark world are in full battle to prevent breakthrough and that because I am a strong person, a full out war has been waged against me.
Sounds extreme, but know my heart and live in my life this past year.
When I am living my way, every "fun" opportunity presents itself. When I am in a place where my life transitions closer to God, it feels as if a perfect storm tries to take me out.
This morning I woke up refreshed, strengthened, filled with peace, and ready. Talk to me, Lord. What is it I am supposed to be doing?
The theme presented itself, again. Is this what You are trying to tell me? Is this what is happening in my life? Girlfriends in God spoke on this very subject this morning seconds after I asked.
So many times we see our conflicts and struggles and life feels out of control. "There is a spiritual battle raging all around us that we can’t even see, but is very real. It is the greater reality. It is a battle that is not to be feared, but one that is to be recognized and fought in the only place where it can be won—in prayer." - Sharon Jaynes
We are empowered to be an intercessor/prayer warrior in the invisible realm to accomplish victory in the visible realm when war is being waged against us.
I think of all the greats of the Bible who faced every situation we face today. God was with them, equipping them, strengthening them, and His power in them to accomplish His will. God used the imperfect people, the unqualified, and often the least to show His power and strength.
I am imperfect, unqualified, and often feel the least. But. I am a boundary stomping, ready for battle, filled with faith kind of girl who hears God when I am willing to listen.
"Be the kind of woman who, when your feet hit the floor
in the morning  the devil says, "Oh no! She is awake!"