Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Crisis Pregnancy Volunteer

I MADE IT ... almost! A topic in life that has always been near and dear to my heart is crisis pregnancies. In my quest for employment, I took my downtime at home as an opportunity to go through a month long training at a local Christian-based, outreach ministry, pregnancy center.

It was mid-January when I made the commitment and knowing it was something I really wanted to do, I was fearful it wouldn't happen because my training is three hours per day, two days per week, the entire month of February.

My prayer went something like this, "Dear God (cause I'm a dear God kinda girl), I really, really, really, really want to do this training, but I really need a job, too. Please make it work."

Would I have accepted a job offer had it presented itself? Absolutely. The good news/bad news is a job offer has not been presented, thus securing my role as a crisis pregnancy volunteer where I will have the awesome opportunity to handle the intake process of girls and women who walk into the center, handle pregnancy tests, and establish relationships as they walk through {+} pregnancy.

There are endless dynamics that each situation will bring, but the training has been enlightening and incredibly so much more than I ever anticipated. God will equip with a willing heart.

Once upon a time, I was married and visiting a fertility specialist to get pregnant. I desperately wanted a baby, studied and learned everything I could know about pregnancy, development, and the bible we all read, What To Expect When You're Expecting. Let's just say, I have learned more this month than I knew then.

After I had Mariah, we tried again and went deeper into the fertility process to have another baby.  I remember the appointment where I went alone and said I won't be coming back, I am going to get a divorce. The fertility specialist said, "When you are ready to get pregnant, you will have to come back and do x, y, and z in order to get pregnant."

Imagine my surprise years later when my pants all of a sudden wouldn't button. The timing was not good and my life was not in a good place ... then came Brooke.

I understand crisis pregnancy.

The understand the panic of the timing not being right to bring a baby into the world. I remember being pregnant with a man that was not happy or supportive of the pregnancy and moving back to my parents house until my baby arrived. I remember the broken dreams I had of only wanting to be married and now I was about to have two children by two different men and doing it alone. I remember just getting by and worrying about how I was going to manage diapers, formula, and the high costs of daycare. I remember how hard it was to be a young, a single mom working full-time and raising two babies with no help and two difficult dads to deal with.

I'm not the married Christian woman volunteering who cannot relate. I am a single Christian woman who says I know, I remember, I understand.

I can't wait to share the golden nuggets of what I am learning.