Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Message In A Dream

Brooke called to tell me she had a dream about her dad. She was walking up the driveway at his white townhouse when she saw him working in his garage. She said, "Dad, it's me, Brooke." Keith looked at her and said, "It has been so long" he began to cry, hugged her, and told her, "I love you, Brookie. You have to stop this bad behavior."

Brooke woke up from her dream crying.

She cried telling me her dream on the phone and in the car coming home today.

She heard his voice in her dream, it had been so long since she had heard it. She was forgetting it.

She misses being in her daddy's embrace and cuddling on the couch watching cartoons. She misses getting ice cream with him. She is a little girl who misses her dad every single day.

Brooke needed that message from her daddy.

Who is to say it wasn't a message from heaven?