Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Unruly Charges

The sun isn't even up and the battle continues.

This morning I informed Brooke that yesterday afternoon I did indeed go to the courthouse and filed unruly charges on her blatant disregard for any form of authority, her refusal to contribute effort in any area of her life, and her continuous shady behavior [insert the sky is falling ... which is always suicidal threats].

In Brooke's mind I have hit her with a bus, reversed it, and ran over her a million bzillion times.

As I explained calmly and rationally ... "This is your life Brooke. I'm willing to take this as far as you want to go. These are your choices and your consequences for your life."

I am guilty of knocking down mountains and keeping my daughter safe from her herself, her lack of maturity, and her destination of she is her father's daughter.

"The courts can't do anything", she says. We'll see.

There comes a point in a mother's life when you have protected your child from themselves for so long, they choose to continue to push the boundaries and love says, now I will allow you to feel the heat.

I feel strangely okay today. It's true, there is peace with acceptance. I've been one to battle hard my whole life and I did no less for my child; however, I've entered my own new level of tough love ... unruly charges.

May the courts be with you.