Thursday, January 9, 2014

In Deep Waters

Yesterday morning I went to meet with Brooke's trauma therapist alone and the one-hour appointment took a little over two hours.

Being candid I spoke of all that is happening and put everything on the table.

What I learned is Brooke's trauma therapist is a woman of incredible faith and the kind of prayer warrior (in not a Christian-based counseling agency) who shared how she covers every thing in her life in prayer. She shared how she covers her cases, her decisions, and her moving forward actions in prayer. How when she leans over to pull them in for a hug, touches their shoulder, and makes a touching contact with them ... it is her quick excuse to put hands on them and say a quick prayer.

She shared how she has two special cases, one being Brooke she has been in a lot of prayer with to put in place the God's best case worker for her. When given the case loads, her perfect fit excitedly accepted Brooke's and the other case she had prayed about. And we happen to really like our new case worker.

Being able to be candid, brutally honest (because brutal was the honesty), open in my faith and my feelings as a mom who dearly loves my difficult child was God's intervention.

I'm thankful she didn't have an appointment directly after mine and cared enough to cover all that needed said in an open forum verifying we are on the same page.  I'm blessed that my daughter's trauma therapist has been a God-send and a prayer warrior who is prayerfully-based and not self-healing.

We connected as moms of faith with a mission: Brooke. We increased again our steps of action, because her actions call for it. And I drove away with a sense of peace that while everything seems chaotic, I am not alone.

I came home and opened an email that was a direct hit ...

Friend, you and I were created to do business in deep waters. In other words, we’re not supposed to have little dreams or little plans. We’re supposed to get out there and have big dreams. We are supposed to go out into the deep things God has for us. But understand, when you’re out there in the deep waters, you can’t touch the ground. You can’t see the shoreline, and at times, it can get a little rocky. You may not always see how things are going to work out. But, Scripture tells us that deep calls to deep. In other words, God is the one who has called you to the deep waters. He is with you, and He knows there are deep things on the inside of you. When you are in those deep waters, you are not alone. God is with you, and He’s causing those deep things inside of you to come forth.
If you feel like you are out in the deep today, if you feel like you are overwhelmed, remember, you are in the right place and God is with you. You will see the Wonders of God in the deep! - Joel Osteen

Right now I can't see the shore and I am getting tired of swimming. As a person with a fear of the ocean and what is potentially lurking in the waters around me, I'm exhausted of this year long battle and this relentless storm that has effected every single area of my life.

Yet, I still know that God is in control. I still see His hand at work and I know this storm will pass. I'm looking for the shoreline of what I am hoping is an exotic, remote beach destination with an all-inclusive resort, amazing spa services, crystal clear waters, and a soft white sand. I am a big-rewards-are-deserved-for-big-storms kinda of girl.

When this season passes in my life, it will be another test of faith that God's glory will prevail, but for now the shoreline can't be seen.