Thursday, January 15, 2015

King Solomon

I have learned more about the bible in the last year than I have my whole life.

Teaching others, the teacher truly learns the most. 

Book by book. Verse by verse. The life application pulls it into daily perspective and this is what I am teaching others.

I am captured by Solomon. He wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs.

Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba, was said to be the wisest man on earth. 

Proverbs is made up of short, concise sentences, each words of profound wisdom.

"Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! 
Everything is meaningless!" - Ecclesiastes 1:2  

A profound, yet poetic statement full of passion and fervor that captures the gist of the whole book.

Ecclesiastes is a reflection of Solomon looking back on a life full of worldly opportunities, resources and pleasures, yet as he reflects back on his folly with regret he points us to a better, simpler life lived for God. This powerful book is one of life seen through human eyes that ultimately recognizes the reign of God and eternity.

Even in Solomon's desperate search for significance and purpose in life, God remained present. 

I relate.

Song of Songs. *happy sigh*

Tomorrow I begin this book. A breathtaking poem of human love filled with passion, imagery and romance. Two lovers yearning for each other, praising each other, in a crescendo celebrating sexual love. 

It will be me reading a poem of love so great, so profound that God wanted it included in his holy book.

The bible is our instruction manual in life and truly God does not hold back because he is the author of love.

I am ready to lose myself in this book that speaks to the desires of my heart. 

Dear King Solomon, 

A deep bow to you. Truly, I cannot wait to meet you in heaven one day.

Well done. Well written. You have sung the song in my heart.

Eternally grateful,