Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Hyperbolic Superlative Love

When my girls were babies I would love them and kiss them to pieces and I built their little confidence in my words. 

Words of affirmations and physical touch is my love language.

They had their moments where they were so happy and full of love and affection with me that I could feel their little bodies shake because they wanted to love more, but they didn't know how to express loving me back bigger that they would kiss me over and over then chomp down and bite!  

Slightly nerve-wrecking with their razor sharp baby teeth, but I knew they were loving me bigger than they could express. 

A hyperbolic superlative love is my love language that manifests through words of affirmations and physical touch.

It is me loving more than is proper or normal. To the utmost, highest degree surpassing all others, at the highest quality. The most.

It is safe to say that some believe it is an exaggeration.

I assure you, it isn't. Not. At. All.

It is the way I express myself at a much higher level than sub par mediocrity that is common place.

I want my life and love to be magnetic and felt in the universe.

A crescendo that reaches God's heart, where He says, "Well done."