Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hero's & Princesses

Little boys play cops and robbers, they crash their cars and wrestle and fight. They are young hero's in the making.

Little girls dress up, play house with their dolls, dream of princesses and have all things love in their hearts. They want to feel pretty and beautiful and dream of the hero in their life.

With love in their eyes, they dream.

When my little girls come into the rescue mission walk through the door, they run into my arms. They wrap their arms around me in the best hugs and I hug them back and kiss the tops of their heads.

When the hug is over, they wrap their arms around me again.

Hug after hug after hug after hug, when they walk in and when they leave.

Love is their language.

My little boys ... they take the hard bread loaves off the donation cart, go outside and sword fight.