Thursday, January 29, 2015

He Is My Home

My heart is stuck on this journey through Song of Songs, also known as Song of Solomon.

Her voice echos in my mind and her voice is familiar.

"If you find my lover, what will you tell him?
Tell him I am faint with love."
- Song of Songs 5:8

In Song of Songs 5:9-16 ...

"How is your beloved better than others, most beautiful woman?"

She says, "My lover is radiant, outstanding among ten thousand ... His head ... His hair ... His eyes ... His cheeks ... His lips ... His arms ... His body ... His legs ... His appearance ... His mouth ...

"He is all together lovely.
This is my lover, this is my friend."
- Song of Songs 5:16

When nothing in the world makes sense at times, no matter what is going on in life, when David pulls me in his arms and kisses me, her words echo in my mind ...

"He is all together lovely.
This is my lover, this is my friend."
- Song of Songs 5:16

He is my home. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


In the middle of an Ohio January, where school closings become ridiculous, after a month long series of events shaking the foundation of my life beginning with losing my sweet little boy, Sammy Blue, I am covered. 

The noise is quiet.

I am rejuvenating.

New opportunities opening.


I have a natural tendency to focus at the light down the long tunnel of what is most important in my life, that I forget to look up and see there is light and an entire life around me. I remember that I don't like being in the dark and tunnels are scary.

We do this thing when we travel and approach a tunnel in a mountain. We hold our breath to see who can hold it longest. It's uncomfortable and unnatural and we gasp for air in relief back in the sunlight.

I am a sunshine girl. Put me outdoors, give me sunshine and I thrive.

I know what is important in my life.

I'm pretty simple and I am breathing.

I've lost two more pounds, eating cleaner. I feel healthier, better, strong and I see even more changes in my body.

January sucks in Ohio, but in the midst of a storm blessings are falling on me like the snow.

I am covered.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Positive Assortative Mating

Business Insider has a funny article that kind of has some truth to it ...

Why We Choose Partners Who Share Our Traits

Sometimes opposing adages fight to a draw: “Better safe than sorry” versus “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
But when it comes to “Opposites attract” versus “Birds of a feather flock together,” the data are in: We end up with partners like ourselves.
A study of 291 newlywed couples found spouses to be closer in values, religiosity, and political attitudes than would be predicted by chance. 
Scientists have a term for this: positive assortative mating. (It’s negative assortative mating when opposites attract.)
The human species isn’t the only one that flocks together. A meta-analysis of assortative mating in animals based on traits such as size and color found that nearly all the assortment was positive. Not that sorting by size and color is limited to animals: humans tend to marry people with a similar level of body fat, and online daters stick to their own race.
People also gravitate toward mates whose faces look like theirs. In one study, subjects who were presented with a series of photos were able to pair a woman’s image with that of her partner, based on facial similarities — even when only isolated features (noses, mouths, eyes) were displayed.
Friendly people apparently seek same: A field experiment in rural Senegal found spouses to have corresponding levels of generosity. 
People with less desirable qualities also attract one another. Having bipolar disorder or major depression makes you more likely to marry someone else with an affective disorder. Alcoholics, too, tend to pair up, with potentially disastrous results for their future offspring.
Perhaps most consequential, we sort ourselves by socioeconomic status. On this count, income similarity matters, but similar schooling seems to matter more, maybe because it strongly implies cultural commonalities. The results of class-based mating are profound.
A 2014 study examined the growing tendency of Americans to partner with people of similar educational backgrounds, and found a clear connection between this shift and the growth in household income inequality between 1960 and 2005.
Some of this sorting can be explained by shared environments. For example, religious people meet in church and wealthy people meet in college. Market forces also play a role: Couples match in attractiveness because the tens pair up, leaving the nines to settle for each other, and so on.
Still, we nonmodels make do. One study found that less attractive people realize certain dates are out of reach and adjust priorities accordingly, learning to value traits like a sense of humor.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

A New Opportunity - Part 2

In a post over a week ago a job opportunity called my phone ...

My phone rang last night with an unexpected job opportunity in a awesome position for a strong company. A much better salary, fully paid medical/dental/vision and a 50% matched retirement.

The owner personally called me and said, "There is nobody more perfect for this position than you." 

Would I come in and take a management position essential to his business, the business is about to go through rapid growth.  

I went in and met with the owners for a couple of hours and walked away feeling uncertain.

Everything on paper looked good, but there were a few dynamics that wasn't settling right with me. Giving myself the weekend to process and make a final decision on Monday, I woke up still feeling unsettled.  

Trusting my God-given intuition of hesitation, I had necessary conversations with important people in my life. Seeking their council and advice as well as presenting my dilemma to the executive director of the mission and ultimately to God in much prayer.

Finally, the moment came over me in the calm I was seeking. That familiar certainty and peace I was waiting for and I knew my decision 100%.

Oh, that internal tranquility that comes when you know. That still peace that silences all the noise when the world is loud.

I stayed at the mission.

The opportunity, as stressful and exhausting as it was, shook the foundation of my world being a life choice, but I stayed true to my heart AND got a significant salary increase for staying.  :)

Everything happens for a purpose.

I always ask that its purpose is in my favor though. 

Repetitions in the Bible

I believe it is safe to say that many are enjoying Song of Songs during devotions.

The expressions of love awakening, two souls united in the universe in a crescendo of love and words that God wanted us to know. 

His words to her, her words to him. I assure the men listening that King Solomon was known as the wisest man on earth, pay attention. They are. 

There is a common theme with repetitions in Bible.

Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.  - Song of Songs 2:7

Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.  - Song of Songs 3:5

Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.  - Song of Songs 8:4

Saying it two times means it's important. Saying it three times means it is really important. 

The life application shares that romance is a feeling, but that it has to be met with commitment.

Do not arouse or awaken love until it can be met with commitment. 

Love is not a feeling.

Love is a decision.

A Hyperbolic Superlative Love

When my girls were babies I would love them and kiss them to pieces and I built their little confidence in my words. 

Words of affirmations and physical touch is my love language.

They had their moments where they were so happy and full of love and affection with me that I could feel their little bodies shake because they wanted to love more, but they didn't know how to express loving me back bigger that they would kiss me over and over then chomp down and bite!  

Slightly nerve-wrecking with their razor sharp baby teeth, but I knew they were loving me bigger than they could express. 

A hyperbolic superlative love is my love language that manifests through words of affirmations and physical touch.

It is me loving more than is proper or normal. To the utmost, highest degree surpassing all others, at the highest quality. The most.

It is safe to say that some believe it is an exaggeration.

I assure you, it isn't. Not. At. All.

It is the way I express myself at a much higher level than sub par mediocrity that is common place.

I want my life and love to be magnetic and felt in the universe.

A crescendo that reaches God's heart, where He says, "Well done."

Friday, January 23, 2015


Flatline is not a good hospital term. When the hospital called a Code for their best medical response team yesterday in the Children's Hospital on the floor below us, my heart grieved for both mother and child.

The familiar fear that runs through your veins when everything is out of control and permanency weighs dangerously unbalanced.

I prayed for the presence and intervention of a team of angels. Not the medical response kind.

We are home again, thank God.

Going through the discharge process last night, the nurse whispered telling me that Brooke was really hungry in the morning, that she offered to call in Brooke's breakfast order if she wasn't comfortable in doing so, but Brooke said that she would wait for me.

[Me, I'm across town swimming through muck trying to get to her, I knew she needed me.

She lit up when I walked in the room in smiling glory with my arms filled with flowers, her backpack and her comfy clothes.

Immediately, I ordered her breakfast.]

The nurse was telling me that she knew Brooke was hungry but she refused to order and eat until I got there.

She wanted me to know and said that her personality was flatline'd and she couldn't believe how Brooke's entire disposition awakened with my presence.

I smiled.

That is called separation anxiety.

I am well aware.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

An Ambulance Ride to the Hospital

The high school called and said Brooke is sick. She is really pale and they are calling the school nurse.

Twenty minutes later I arrive to pick her up and an ambulance with a paramedic team is with Brooke. She cannot walk, open her eyes or focus, she can barely speak and her blood pressure is way below normal. My brain is racing, trying to make sense of what on earth is going on, she was perfectly happy and healthy leaving for school only hours earlier.

I let her know I was there and had to ask, "Did you take something?" I knew when she answered she was sincere, she hadn't taken anything.

Test after test after test. Teams of medical staff asking the same questions over and over and over. She states the facts back to them, the answers never wavering.

At 9:00 p.m. they admitted her.

She feels horrible and can't shake the dizziness. She is crabby and often at her threshold in tears wanting to be home and is completely over being stuck with needles.

In comes a nurse, a doctor and three new medical students asking the same questions while she is being admitted. My frustrations are piquing and while I understand medical students need to learn, we have already had an exhausting day and I find them to be of great annoyance.  Please study someone who hasn't already had a long, miserable day.

The night nurse is asking the same questions asked in twenty different ways all day. Brooke answers her every question correctly.

Then, the nurse asks, "Do you live with your parents?" The nurse referring to David and I.  David had come and spent the evening at the hospital with us and Brooke answered, "Yes."

It caught me off guard.

Even when she couldn't open her eyes, focus and barely speak most of the day she answered correctly. When they asked do you have a sibling?  She answered, "Mariah."  I thought for certain she would mention Brittany, Joe and Ryan. She didn't.

The nurse asked me who she lived with and I said, "Me."

"Do you live with your parents?"  She said, "Yes."

The answer to Brooke is, "Yes."

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hero's & Princesses

Little boys play cops and robbers, they crash their cars and wrestle and fight. They are young hero's in the making.

Little girls dress up, play house with their dolls, dream of princesses and have all things love in their hearts. They want to feel pretty and beautiful and dream of the hero in their life.

With love in their eyes, they dream.

When my little girls come into the rescue mission walk through the door, they run into my arms. They wrap their arms around me in the best hugs and I hug them back and kiss the tops of their heads.

When the hug is over, they wrap their arms around me again.

Hug after hug after hug after hug, when they walk in and when they leave.

Love is their language.

My little boys ... they take the hard bread loaves off the donation cart, go outside and sword fight.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

I Got Their Attention

When I begin a new book in the bible, I set the stage ...

... I set the setting, share the blueprint, the purpose and overview of the book we are entering so they have it in their minds eye as I read.

I walked to the front of the room,

turned the microphone on,

smiled and greeted them,

and said, " God thinks sex is important."

I absolutely captured their attention!

I captured it then put what I just said into God-given perspective and began to read Song of Songs, chapter 1 ...

I struck the cord of attention I wanted, both men and women commented they would be in every day for a meal to hear this story.

Song of Songs

Song of Songs, also called the Song of Solomon, is left open. It's not clear if it was written by or for Solomon. Perhaps, there was more than one author.

As I read the words so eloquently expressed from the depths of her soul, I hear her voice. The voice of a woman deeply and passionately in love. Her heart poured out.

Perhaps, an allegory of love between God and His people. He is the creator of love and Miss Shulammite was the vessel He displayed it through.

"Song of Songs, depicts love in all its spontaneity, beauty, power and exclusiveness - experienced in its varied moments of separation and intimacy, anguish and ecstasy, tension and contentment. 

Inspired words that disclose its exquisite charm and beauty as one of God's choicest gifts.

This feminine voice speaks profoundly of love. She portrays its beauty and delights. She claims its exclusiveness ...

... and insists on the necessity of its pure spontaneity.

She also proclaims its overwhelming power ...

... it rivals that of the fearsome enemy, death; it burns with the intensity of a blazing fire.

It is unquenchable. 

She affirms its preciousness: All that one possesses cannot purchase it. 

It is the Lord's gift.

In this song of love the voice of the beloved is dominant. 

The unsurpassed power and value of love, the love that draws man and woman together. It is her experience of love, both as the one who loves and as the one who is loved, that is most clearly expressed. 

The Song begins with her wish for the lover's kiss and ends with her urgent invitation to him for love's intimacy."  -

In the end, love prevails.

This is the foundation of the bible, love perfectly written in the holy bible and God-breathed to say this is the way ...

... I meant it, I created it.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Faith Like a Spider Web

"Ewww!" crossed my mind when I read the title, Faith Like a Spider Web in this mornings devotion.

I don't do spiders. Nor do I smash or clean them up well. My mom usually fills in the gap on spider clean-up and saves all things puked on.  [Thanks, Mom!]

This mornings devotion ...

I was looking forward to window washing day so I could annihilate them and their homes. Using a big brush I soaped up the window and aimed the nozzle at a web, then pulled the handle with all my strength. The web held firm. I need more water pressure, I thought. After turning the pressure to its fullest, I sprayed again. Still nothing.

Closer. I need to be closer. I used a stepladder to get closer to the web. This tactic definitely got me wetter but did not bring down the web. It was strong and stubborn, unwilling to succumb to my pressure. While drying myself off, I had a spiritual encounter: I want faith like that spider web … a faith that can withstand pressure: low, high and nearby.

The strength and tenacity of the web intrigued me, so I researched the phenomenon and discovered three facts about spider webs.

Fact 1: Spider web is two words, not one. This is not spiritually relevant information — but good to know.

Fact 2: Tensile strength (TS) is defined as the maximum stress a material can withstand when stretched or pulled before breaking. The TS of spider silk is greater than the same weight of steel and has just as much, if not more, elasticity.

Spider silk is under investigation for potential use in bullet-proof vests and artificial tendons. How? That answer is above my pay-grade. But spiritually speaking, I want a faith that can withstand life’s pressures.

Fact 3: It is not uncommon for a spider web to be 20 times the size of the spider building it. I want a faith bigger than I am so when the storms come, I won’t be destroyed.

In a strong wind, I can bend but won’t be blown away.

A spider is not cast iron, but delicate and can be easily smashed.

Dedicated, it's purpose to build a strong web home that can withstand being stretched or pulled without breaking.

Well done little spider in your ability to build a home that others investigate and wants to duplicate.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

King Solomon

I have learned more about the bible in the last year than I have my whole life.

Teaching others, the teacher truly learns the most. 

Book by book. Verse by verse. The life application pulls it into daily perspective and this is what I am teaching others.

I am captured by Solomon. He wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs.

Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba, was said to be the wisest man on earth. 

Proverbs is made up of short, concise sentences, each words of profound wisdom.

"Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! 
Everything is meaningless!" - Ecclesiastes 1:2  

A profound, yet poetic statement full of passion and fervor that captures the gist of the whole book.

Ecclesiastes is a reflection of Solomon looking back on a life full of worldly opportunities, resources and pleasures, yet as he reflects back on his folly with regret he points us to a better, simpler life lived for God. This powerful book is one of life seen through human eyes that ultimately recognizes the reign of God and eternity.

Even in Solomon's desperate search for significance and purpose in life, God remained present. 

I relate.

Song of Songs. *happy sigh*

Tomorrow I begin this book. A breathtaking poem of human love filled with passion, imagery and romance. Two lovers yearning for each other, praising each other, in a crescendo celebrating sexual love. 

It will be me reading a poem of love so great, so profound that God wanted it included in his holy book.

The bible is our instruction manual in life and truly God does not hold back because he is the author of love.

I am ready to lose myself in this book that speaks to the desires of my heart. 

Dear King Solomon, 

A deep bow to you. Truly, I cannot wait to meet you in heaven one day.

Well done. Well written. You have sung the song in my heart.

Eternally grateful,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Writing Desk

For years I have wanted a writing room.

A room of inspiration. 

A quiet personal space where I can capture and write my endless thoughts. 

If I had a wish, I would have a desk perfectly positioned looking out large windows with sunbeams brightening my room filled with white tulips.

I'm thinking a spa-like tranquil setting where my heart feels happy and inspiration flows.

Maybe someday.

What I did get though and it is so incredibly perfect, a writing desk!

Timeless. Classic. Simple.

It couldn't be more perfect. I had seen it months ago and instantly fell in love. Couldn't afford it, then of course the store no longer carried it. 

I saw it today.

No way am I letting perfect slip out of my fingers.

Here I sit, writing on my new writing desk and I have white tulips sitting here beside me. 

A New Opportunity

Unexpected blessings are showering down on me like a soft rain on a warm summer day. The kind of gentle rain that falls when the sun is shining brightly as if falling from heaven and a cloud isn't even in the air. 

In the dead of a brutally cold winter, sunbeams warm me. My face turned to heaven to feel, cling and bask in its warmth, new opportunities bringing life and blood flow to my limbs numb like leaden appendages. 

Blessings God knows I need, He perfectly provides as if to say, "I know."

My phone rang last night with an unexpected job opportunity in a awesome position for a strong company. A much better salary, fully paid medical/dental/vision and a 50% matched retirement.

The owner personally called me and said, "There is nobody more perfect for this position than you." 

Would I come in and take a management position essential to his business, the business is about to go through rapid growth.  

I look back through my life at doors of opportunity that opened so smoothly as if I was gliding through a dream and someone was carrying me. 

No effort needed. 

No million prayers to move God's mighty hand going up. 

Simply picked up and carried to the next season in my life. All which became a blessing in my journey.

I've learned in life to dance in the rain. 

To turn my face to heaven.

And always, always believe in miracles.

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Book of Life, Love & Legacy

Four years ago, when Brooke's dad died, I began this blog. My biggest worry was that I wouldn't have enough to say and it would fade into nothing. 

That thought makes me smile. Only a few times in life there have been no words profound enough, that became an unspoken prayer only the holy spirit could piece together when I could not.

Life, every day provides a story to share and moments to capture.

I want to capture life for my girls. Capture time and memories of details that became our life and I want them to have a memory should anything ever happen to me. They would know who I am when they become a woman someday with their own families and they look at me as a woman, not just a mom.

I want then to remember.

I wanted to capture love, life and memories in my Daily Love Notes for David. The journey of our life together through my eyes fixed on the countless ways our life came together every day in little details that became our life, our journey and love. 

When you look back through life so often we fix our eyes on the significant memories, at a high-level overview, both good and bad, but the fine details are often forgotten forever. 

It is the fine details and little memories that become the glue because it is the little things that are the most real. 

Memories remain when the world forgets and details fade ... 

... and so I capture life.

The little details in life matter. 

Little things are infinitely most important. They become who you are, your choices, your pattern, your habit, your routine, and ultimately your life.

I have always said everything in life that is the most important money cannot buy. The little things, the little moments, every little detail matters, they alter your direction in invisible ways.

I capture these details. 

For someday ... to become a book of life and legacy because of love.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Aurora Borealis

The aurora borealis, also called the northern lights, is named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas.

The colorful dancing lights are the result of collisions between electrically charged particles from the earth's atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere.

I imagine the heavens opening and of angels singing watching the dancing lights of charged particles rejoicing and celebrating its breathtaking beauty.

I also imagine this is what love looks like in the invisible collision of charged particles dancing together. 

I'm betting the heavens open and angels sing when the real love meets, two souls become one, hearts soar and becomes forever. 

What happens in the unseen realm is far more real than what the eye can see. 

I'm betting there is rejoicing and celebration. 

 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, 
since what is seen is temporary, 
but what is unseen is eternal. 
                                                 - 2 Corinthians 4:18

Friday, January 9, 2015

Top Rope Belay Certified!

We did it!  Another 1st was successfully accomplished, this time in rock climbing and receiving our Top Rope Belay Certification.

Truly, a perfect indoor winter sport of skill, strategic thinking, strength and endurance.

A new challenge all-inclusive of trust, fun and fitness.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I remember realizing how age plays a role in metabolism when I was 30 years old.

Mariah came into the world when I was 25 and at 29 years, I gave birth to Brooke.  I was so much thinner at 29 then I was at 25 years old, carried much smaller, but I vividly remember the slower process in my body rebounding due to those few years even though I was in better shape.

Through my 30's, even though my body was in good shape, I had to give much more thought to my diet and exercise, because my body no longer responded like it did when I was in my 20's.

Healthier food choices became important.

Enter early 40's. I have to pull my head back so my eyes can focus. Seeing up close perfectly is a thing of my youth. It used to take 6 weeks for my body to realize I have been exercising all along and longer for the scales to notice. Even that has changed.

If I stop exercising, everything unravels in two weeks.  Muscle memory is a not so gentle reminder that always exercising must be a part of a healthy lifestyle.

All this has had age as a downward slope in my mind. An inevitable battle.

A shift is happening.

My body is beginning to sculpt in ways I have not seen in years.

I feel stronger and definition is being etched every day.

As my body changes, so has my outlook.

I am going to take this as far as I can in 2015 simply out of curiosity and challenge.

If my body is unexpectedly so responsive, I am going to take it to the extreme and go for the WOW factor!

1 Degree

Listen ...

"I can give you 1 degree."

This is what they hear when they are freezing.

I don't freeze. I pay the utilities so I bundle up appropriately. [Not to mention my body temperature is naturally warmer. Exercising daily has stopped all hot flashes again.]

Everyone likes to hit the thermostat as if they were picking their vacation destination and wanting to be warm and balmy.

One degree is all I can spare.

I know, it sounds ridiculous, but this is what you will hear in my house.

[The thermostat is usually kept at 72 degrees and bumped to 73 to kick start the furnace.  A few years ago, I kept it between 68-69 degrees due to high gas prices. So technically, it isn't 1 degree, it is 5 degrees. I am much more generous these days.]

Monday, January 5, 2015



Belonging to me. That which belongs to me.

Loved. Protected. The focus of my attention. The center of my heart. My firm foundation. The choice I make every day. Transparent. Safe. Unconditional.

For my girls ... 

Choose wisely.

Nothing else matters.

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it 
are the issues of life. KJV

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do 
flows from it. NIV

It will become the quality of your life. Your happiness.

Everything else is the dry leaf that changed with the season, fell from the tree and is left blowing across the cold, hard ground of winter. All winter long.

The wind takes it where it wants to go and it no longer knows how to return to the tree.

Lost forever.

When you find your mine, love it, cherish it, protect it and make good choices every day. Even when you don't feel like it.

It all matters.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Feeling Like a Million $$$!

I felt like a million $$$ at Victoria's Secret.

Let me preface this by saying, I loathe shopping.

I would rather clean my house and exercise than spend time indoors trying to pick out something I really, really like, then pay a high dollar amount for it.

Others stockpile stuff and yet always need more.  It is empty, mindless, expensive and unproductive entertainment. Especially for this girl who is a creature of habit and only needs a few favorite comfy outfits.

I had something in mind for many months. This is how I shop. I have an idea what I want, ponder it for months, etch out a window of time to make it happen and quickly go look.

Not finding the one perfect item I was in search of, my quest ended up with four new perfects ... and and amazing experience.

I do love Victoria's Secret.  Feminine. Sexy. Smoldering.

Instantly, I saw two items that grabbed my attention and went into the dressing room.

The girl working there eyes lit up when she saw the one item I had. "I've been eyeing that, but they don't have it in my size. It's so beautiful!"  [I'm smiling and thinking, I hope it looks as good on.]

It's perfect!

I needed fastening assistance so I peaked out the door and asked her to come in.

God love her, her eyes lit up and she gasped!  "It is amazing on you! It fits you so beautifully! The color is absolutely perfect with your black hair!"

The outfit didn't cover much and she looked everywhere as if taking it all in. She was embarrassed with her reaction in a innocent adoration kind of way.

Thank you sweet girl for making me feel so beautiful!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015, I Welcome You!

Her heart beating fast, I had no idea she was breathless with anticipation and so ready to shed 2014. Said moments before midnight, "I am so thankful I am alive, I didn't kill myself, all the bad stuff and this year is officially in my past!"

A clean slate in her mind. A new year. A fresh beginning.

Ready to shake off 2014 and embrace 2015 we danced when the ball struck midnight.

I woke up in 2015 having reached a goal ...

I lost 20 lbs. in 2014, hit a plateau but maintained, woke up in 2015 having broke that stubborn plateau and entered a new weight class I haven't seen in many, many years!

Seeing results is a pure & raw motivation of its own.

I am fervently passionate about love, new experiences, setting/reaching/surpassing goals and anxious to put my eyes on new ones.

I am alive and have always embraced "Work hard, Play hard!"

Every year that passes my passion for love and life grows so much deeper. I crave to see more, do more, experience more.

Every year that passes I pour more of myself into working harder and playing harder. My arms open wide as I twirl through life laughing and loving. Wisdom always teaching me.

My heart seeks and strives for significance in faith, hope and love.

To be stagnant is a suffocating death to me. Life doesn't wait. Time continues to quickly pass.

I live each day wanting more, desiring to be more, doing more. We have one life to live and I have a lot of life I want to cram into my one life.

At the end of my life, I want it said, "Well done. Well loved. Well lived."

Today I open my mind to new possibilities. A fresh year and a book to write from a girl who loves and embraces all life offers.

2015, I welcome you!