Thursday, July 5, 2012

Unexpectedly Good

Being good to my word, I meant it when I said I may trim down dating.

It's been a much calmer week, less texting. Texting is a new dating trend, one that is time consuming, but less intrusive than constant phone calls that they are thinking of you. Texting one is fine, times that by several others and it feels consuming.

List trimmed ... then, I met another.

An 11 on the scale of 1-10. "Wow" goodlooking.

Quite honestly, it still amazes me that I pull it off even in my early 40's.

The date was unexpectedly good and he has already reserved Saturday night for date #2.  Patty Stanger would be impressed! He calls me Kim Kardashian, which cracks me up. Boys and curves.

Funny, charming, super goodlooking, incredibly sexy and an unexpectedly good 1st kiss. I'm intrigued. This one is going to be a fun handful.  I'm in familiar territory and will play with Mr. Confidence for a while.

He seems excited about our date tonight, too and was sure to express it via text. Before I went to sleep I told him, "Just don't fall in love." Game on!

I'm not sure how many 11's I have left in life, but I do enjoy the quest.