Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This Summer Is A Gift

It has been five months since I have worked. Five months. In my mind that is unimaginable! 

I have worked double-duty for 15 years working full-time, raising babies on my own, going to school part-time, making a home and all that entails. It has been an endless job and my multi-tasking skills are mad.

This summer is a gift. I felt refreshed after a couple of months off work and in my mind, I figured the plan would be to strap on the seatbelt and take off at mach speed again in another career. What I never anticipated was that once I felt refreshed and ready for what comes next, that I would get to savor and bask in summertime.

To wake up each day and wonder what I am going to do?  What do I want to do? No tight schedules, endless hours, days, weeks and months to lose myself in fun.

It call it a gift from God.

I spend my days reading books, pushing myself at kickboxing, playing tennis, walking in the parks, lunch with my girlfriends, going out with friends, dating, and my new recent activities of running the Monument stairs (which is physically the toughest and most challenging to me) and floating on a raft in a friend-off-the-families lake.

Today is going to be sunny & mid-90's. My windows are open and the birds are chirping.

I need to get off my laptop and fry some bacon so my girls wake up to the scent of breakfast. I am going to bake a chocolate cake. Mariah and I are going to play tennis this morning then the three of us will spend the afternoon at the pool. Brooke's daddys condo pool, Deb welcomes us over to use it.

This summer is a gift and I embrace it fully.

I'm still not worried about what comes next. Maybe I should be, but I'm not. God is still in control and he is the same God that has always provided. He is the husband to the husbandless.

I still feel showered with blessings and that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

Basking in a summer of fun.