Saturday, July 28, 2012

That Familiar Scent

Brooke and I were having dinner out last night when Brooke said, "I wish you only had one guy in your life and it was Billy.  He always does the right things when he is supposed to."

I knew immediately exactly what stars had lined up this week that led her to her statement.

I replied, "He smells like your daddy, doesn't he?" 

That was it.  She smiled.

Early in the week Brooke told me that she can't smell her daddy anymore. The smell of his cologne on his ring she wears around her neck has faded. She can't smell him, she can't remember his voice and she afraid she is forgetting him.

"Brookie, I have tons of family movies with your daddy so you can hear his voice and see him."

Billy is so much like Keith in height, ripped muscles, hair style, bright blue eyes and in scent. They both smell of cologne and cigarettes. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes, but mix it with men's cologne on a hot guy and the scent is 10 years of familiar and intoxicating.

Brooke smelled him when he hugged her this week and the timing of fearing missing her daddy + that familiar scent makes her long for them both.

Billy isn't the significant other in my life, but we are friends and he knows what he means to Brooke.  I'm glad he is there for the familiar that she longs for. He was close to my girls and easily slips into dad-mode with them. They know those familiar boundaries.

Paths cross for so many reasons we do not understand. Our relationship is over, but I appreciate him for all the good that he is and how he makes my little girl feel about her daddy that she believed she was starting to forget.