Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Her Daddy's Pool

There is only one thing to do on a hot summer day when it is sunny & mid-90's and that is to go to a pool.

A public pool will not due now that my girls are older. One cannot enjoy the water when a bzillion kids have filled a pool playing and splashing. This is yet another beauty of my girls getting older, public pools are no longer a source of entertainment where I would take them to spend the day splashing around and make friends.

I used to say my worst nightmare was for my girls to get hurt at the pool and that I would have to run to them in a bikini! Now, I would love to run all day in a bikini in the body I used to have.

There is a perfect pool all-inclusive with a club house in a private setting with a few people around, Brooke's dads pool at his condo. Deb left the clubhouse key for us to use and this was our 2nd trip to the pool since his death. 

Our first trip to the pool Brooke put a towel over her head when we pulled into the condo community so she wouldn't see his condo that she hasn't seen in 1-1/2 years.

Yesterday she felt strong enough to see it.

Yesterday it was easier for her to be at the pool. It wasn't her first choice, but I explained to her it was our best option and her daddy would want her to use it. Debbie echoed my statement.

Bright yellow lounge chairs and umbrella tables created a private retreat, greeting us with shade or sun, pick your preference.

Floating with my girls, basking in the sun, swimming under water in cool, refreshing silence to escape endless chatter.

I enjoy our days at the pool so much more now.

Cooled. Refreshed. Fun in the sun.

As we were pulling away Brooke said, "I think I may be ready to go inside the condo very soon."
