Friday, July 20, 2012

A Semi 2nd Proposal

Yesterday I received a phone call from an old friend from 20 years ago. My friend Dawn goes nuts again, "They always come back to you!"

The heart waxes and wanes, sometimes only a year, a decade and sometimes two decades pass and paths cross again.

A scent, a song, a voice, familiar endearments trigger memories.

Twenty years fade and the ole familiar reconnects through the invisible threads of time. Slipping back into endless conversation (he can talk no less than an hour!), familiar terms of endearments and getting off the phone, "I love you, honey and I will talk to you tomorrow."

Dawn, my voice of friendship and reason is exasperated, "Wasn't that weird to hear so soon?" I laugh and explain that in the normal it would be very weird, but it's him and that is how we are.

Twenty years ago he was my 2nd significant partner for years. He found me on Facebook over a year ago, when I was crazy in love with Billy and I stopped accepting his phone calls because I was not available and he wouldn't quit trying.

A year passes. I am single. He asks me to please not fall in love with anyone, he will be here (move back to Ohio) in 6 months and we can get married in the spring.

Silly boys. Anyone else, I would play along sweetly; however, I sense serious undertones to his words and I'm betting he is packing his bags.

Married in the spring?!  Panic says date wildly, time is running out!

I'm not getting married, but if the familiar erases the threads of time and hearts reconnect, I am open to a relationship that started two decades ago.

There is something pure about hearts connecting when you are young. It is pure, not jaded. It is innocent.   

A text came through last night, "I do care and love you. I was so happy to speak to you today ... and I care about you so much!"

I have six months.