Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Magical On Crack

It had rained all day and I did what I never do, called it a day, and put on my pajamas for the entire evening.

Turning on Couples Retreat to watch a cute comedy as it was getting dark, I was surprised when David pulled in the driveway. Knowing the next couple of days were going to be round the clock work for him, I didn't expect to see him.

He said he missed me today.

He held my hand.

As he was leaving he pulled me in his arms and really kissed me in the sweetest way. I said a soft, "I love you" and I heard the those magical words echoed back against my lips. It was when he looked at me and said, "You are getting really skinny. Sexy momma." Some words put together make a perfect moment.

"I love you" is magical ... "You are getting really skinny" is magical on crack!

My guy is magnificently and significantly the smartest boy I know.