Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fresh Waters

No one ever steps in the same river twice, 
for fresh water is always flowing around you. 

Most relationships begin in the "honeymoon" phase when everything is exciting and new, wildly romantic, and you have found quite possibly the most perfect person on earth.

Months pass, stress and pressure slips in, so does snotty comments and agitation. Real life happens and so begins the test of the strength of a real relationship. 

Is there a magical reset button that takes us back to that wonderful honeymoon phase in life? The answer is absolutely YES!

YES if both partners make the commitment to hear the heart of their partner and desire to meet their needs.

YES if both partners chose love and are willing to give 100% to each other every day, even the days where everything goes wrong. Your relationship is your safe and happy place.

YES when both 'do the work' to meet the others needs and speak their partners love language.

He is my very best friend and I love that we are in this place in our life that while the honeymoon phase is over, it isn't. We made the choice to step in the fresh waters of the honeymoon phase again, while life continues to flow around us. 

Love is a verb.