Sunday, June 2, 2013

An Amazing Day

Waking up early, opening the windows, hearing the birds sing, the sunshine, the morning coolness, the girls still asleep, and a wonderful day ahead of me. It is my favorite way to start the day.

I am excited beyond words. I am falling head over heels for the best guy that simply makes my soul sing!

Today is our well-planned and scheduled quality time. Hours spent together laughing, talking, holding hands, kissing, and lost in each other.

I wake up to, "Good morning, beautiful" text messages and fall asleep to his words he cannot wait to see me.

Phone conversations throughout the day, simply sharing daily details. He lets me know constantly I am in his thoughts.

In a few hours this full of life, crazy sexy guy will pull in my driveway, light up like the northern lights, take my breath away, then pull me in his arms and kiss me like a lost lover.

For now, the cool morning breeze and the birds chirping are setting the scene for what is going to be an amazing day!

Shhhhh ... don't wake the girls up just yet.