Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Worldwide Audience

This week I was stunned when my statistics showed that this blog has an audience worldwide, WOW!!

Thank you! It is unreal to think that around the world for a brief moment our paths crossed.

This is me ...

the face behind this blog.

I am almost 42 years old and next month I will have been a divorced, single mom for 15 years. Both of those realities still don't seem real to me.

Life takes the craziest twists and turns. Gone are plans A and B for my life. I think I am in triple letters now, like plan AAA and BBB, but who's counting!

My daughter Brooke is 12 years old, lost her dad last year to suicide. My daughter Mariah is 16 years old, her dad was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease last November with one, we are hoping two years to live. Our lives have changed with two traumatic crisis, but it does not define us.

It is beyond comprehension for me to think that others from across the world have read my thoughts and pieces of my life in the last 1 1/2 years. YOU are the encouragement I need to take a leap in faith with one of my thoughts I have been entertaining lately. Actually, an idea has been on my mind for a while and here you are, a worldwide audience. A sign.

Being a single mom for 15 years, I have a passion for women that have assumed the roles of both mom & dad, built a home and live life in a two income world making ends meet.

I have an international interest in women. Through my grandmothers and women of the Bible I have learned that even though time has drastically changed, we face the same struggles that women throughout history faced. Internationally our cultures are different, but we are still mothers, daughters, sisters, girlfriends, cousins, aunts, nieces and grand-daughters.

We are real women, strong women.

You are a strong woman too, even if you need to find your inner strength.

You are extraordinairy, if you haven't already heard that today.

Real life women, from every walk of life across the world.

Thank you for reading my blog.