Friday, April 13, 2012

God Was Finished With It

While Mariah was at track practice this afternoon, I had a few minutes to slow down, sit in the warm sunshine and pick up where I left off in my book ...

I knew that when the Lord calls you to do something, whether you want to do it or not, you had better do it because if you don't, everything else in your life is going to dry up.

I also knew that the thing I had been doing and enjoying very much at one time I was no longer enjoying because God was finished with it. And when God gets finished, we may as well get finished, too. Yet, I stayed on in that position for anohter whole year. During that time I experience all kinds of things that I did not like. I was not happy at all and I didn't know why. Nothing seemed to be right any longer. - Joyce Meyer

The words jumped off the page at me! This was not an answer that I was looking for at all, but a confirmation of the very exact thing I had experienced recently. A season in my life that had come to an end and I knew it.

My good salary, tons of vacation time, flexible schedule, doing what I loved most and doing it how I wanted to do it ... became empty. 

God has been whispering to me in the last few days.

He continues to meet me where I am providing reassurance that while I felt finished where I was, He was finished with it, too.

My heart rests in unexplainable peace.