Monday, April 23, 2012

What If ...

This new season in my life is a refreshing break.

For quite some time now, I have been ready for change, ready for a new challenge, ready to the point of saying, "God, I'm ready for whatever comes next."

I meant those words and I somehow I know God is shaking his head thinking, "Okay, you got it!"

Let me back up a bit ... throughout my career, in the medical field for 16 years and in education for 7, I have thrown my hand in the air voluntarily taking on projects that I had no flipping clue or experience in how to pull it off. I don't even know what that behavior is called? Challenge? Confidence? Ambition? When the dust settled, I was left thinking why in the heck do I keep doing this to myself?!

What I have learned through all of those experiences is to jump in and just do the work. Fake it till you make it (confidence). To come out in the end rich in experience, successfully pulling off whatever project it was and it turning out better than I imagined.

I say to a holy God that I am ready for bigger and better, but please let me rejuvenate a bit first. He knows I have rejuvenated. I know I have rejuvenated.

This is where I am fastening the seatbelt tightly! I have this nudging on what I really believe I am supposed to do and when I sit still, He keeps coming at me.

If you think there are no signs from heaven, you are not paying attention!

I have to say, I am a little afraid. I am not equipped. I am not properly educated. I still do some things that God doesn't like. I choose my sins and carefully weigh unchosen consequences.

It's time. "A few more days, please. Ummmm ... and I am going to need some guidance and probably a little bit of help."   It's time.

I love the women of the Bible. Unqualified, imperfect women from all walks of life used for significant roles in history, by God. My total inadequacies makes me a strong candidate along side these significant women.

He put in my path the other day...

"God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called."

He is very persistent.

IF I was highly educated, would I work only in that field?

IF I was highly successful, would I not need God as much?

IF I fail, will I get a "thatta girl for trying" from God?

But, WHAT IF ...