Saturday, January 22, 2011

She Twirled in The Mirror

Brooke smiled, posed, and twirled in the mirror, because that is what little princesses are supposed to do.

She was excited and I was relieved.  She felt beautiful and she was.

Her date, Uncle Jason, arrived.  A memory was captured.

Brooke's first daddy-needed date, Jason's 1st and only father/daugther dance. They looked wonderful.

There is something so special about helping your little girl dry her hair, slip into her dress, put on a little lipstick for a hint of color, and the moments shared in preparation of a magical evening.

I'm snapping pictures, telling her how beautiful she looks.  As she walked down the driveway, departing for the dance, the emotions of this moment ... the 1st of many ... her daddy should have shared ... came over me.

Brooke came home happy.  The dance was a success. Uncle Jason was a perfect date.  I knew he would be.