Friday, January 28, 2011

A Favorite

My friends, who know me well, know I don’t have favorite’s.  I don’t have a favorite food, movie, actor/actress, dessert, restaurant, song, book, store, or friend, etc.

I am blessed my two favorite girls, Mariah & Brooke, two handfuls of best friends (two of them being guys), and a favorite color … red. 

That is it for my favorites.

Sometimes it bothers me.  Why don’t I have favorites?  I have a lot of, I really like’s, but it pretty much stops there. 

Oh! I do have a favorite spa, The Spa at Camelback Inn a JW Marriott resort in Scottsdale, AZ.  It is rated #9 in the world, #1 to me!

I have just realized I do indeed have a favorite character in the Bible!  Besides our beloved, Jesus, who is a constant favorite, I realize for the first time in my life I now have another favorite in the Bible!

It isn’t who you think … it’s a girl!  Men get so much credit in the Bible and someday I can’t wait to meet all of them!  But I want to meet someone else first! 

Have you ever experienced a time where a specific person, place, or thing continued to cross your path?  The story of “Deborah” and “fasting” seems to pop up everywhere for me. 

You would have to have an amazing story to be in the Bible. There is Mary, Mary Magdalene, Eve, Ruth, Sarah, and other famous women with amazing stories. The story of Deborah really impresses me!

Let me back up … in the past several years of my life I have come to the realization that I admire strong females.  Every one of my best girl friends has a strong personality and is an accomplished woman.  I get along best with strong personalities.  I admire inner strength, drive and passion in others. 

Deborah was a wife, prophetess, and judge over Israel who heard God and believed him. Her strong faith gave birth to hope, freedom, and peace that lasted forty years.

Her ability to inspire others to fulfill their calling of God and encourage them to press past their apprehensions, she graciously gave credit where credit was due and celebrated the victory of others without lifting herself up.

Deborah’s relationship with God and the ability to hear His voice, with her desire to serve His will, made her an effective leader, yet she remained humble. 

What wonderful qualities!  She allowed others around her to thrive in their callings and encouraged them without being threatened. Deborah had a kingdom-view of life.

When she called for Barak, leader of the Army, to go into battle, he refused to go into battle without her so she agreed to go with him. She willingly followed him to the battlefield to encourage him. She was fearless and extravagant in her support.

I admire encouragement, inspiration, and courage.

Deborah would be a best girl friend.  The Queen of Sheba is pretty impressive, too!

I am glad to have a new favorite!  J