Monday, January 24, 2011

Indulge In Simple Pleasures

Know your pleasures.  Embrace in sensual gratification.  List your delights ... and keep that list handy!

The school called today, Brooke is really sick.  At 3:00 a.m. she woke up, her chest and back hurt, a little Advil and she was fine when I dropped her off at school.

By 11:00 a.m. her lips were white, her body shaking from chills, and her chest and back being the main cause of her pain. On the way to pick her up, I was able to get an 11:30 a.m. appointment with her pediatrician. Chest pain and back pain are not symptoms I know how to treat.

She was pale, weak, and visibly shaking with chills at the doctors office.  No fever. No cold symptoms leading up to this. Nothing.

"We are going to do an EKG on Brooke." Check her heart?  The nurse is prepping her, I tap into girlfriend prayer warrior power via text message!

It took over a 1/2 hour for the doctor to come back into the examination room. Brooke was shaking so badly, I covered her with my coat and pulled her close to me. She fell asleep for probably 20 minutes. 

The EKG was fine.  Thank God!  Off to Stat Care for a chest xray to rule out pneumonia. We were home by 3:00 p.m., still no test results.

I'm drained.  I need coffee and a little food. Really I wasn't hungry, just genuinely worn out.

Brooke is set up and comfy on the couch. I curl up on the chair with a blanket, I need a nap!

The nap wasn't enough. I needed something to feel good.  I tied up my hair, filled the tub as deep as it would go, lit my favorite candle, and slid into water so HOT it made my skin tingle.

Relaxed.  Rejuvenated.  Refreshed.  As much as I could be.

Know your pleasures.  Embrace in sensual gratification.  List your delights ... and keep that list handy!

When under extreme pressure, I don't often remember the simple pleasures in life that bring me momentary satisfaction. What can I do, for me, that makes me happy?

A hot bath with candles. A romantic comedy by the fireplace. A glass of wine and a good book.  Laughing with friends.  Montrose Sushi roll at Wasabi.  A good workout.  A massage.  That needed haircut.  Coloring my hair.  A relaxing pedicure.  A cup of coffee and a favorite dessert.  Cold Stone Creamery's Dark Chocolate Peppermint ice cream.  A spa treatment.  A girl friend vacation.  Soaking up the sunshine. A walk in the park.  Flowers and walking in gardens.  A candlelit dinner.  Catching up with a friend.  An espresso martini.

Know your delights. Know when you need to indulge in simple pleasures.