Joyce Meyer says that fear stands for "False Evidence Appearing Real."
I refuse fear and embrace faith instead.
I love Mother Theresa's saying, "I know God will not give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much."
The truth is God knows which battles will take me out and which ones will strengthen me.
I know to the enemy it may seem he's won for a season, but he hasn't. He may have temporarily blind-sided me at a very deep level, but he knows already he has lost the war.
The soul loves and is loved in return; she seeks and is sought; she calls and is called. But in this, she lifts and is lifted up; she holds and is herself held; she clasps and she is closely embraced, and by the bond of love she unites herself to God, one with one, alone with Him. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas