Monday, February 3, 2020

Yoga Class

There were a few chuckles at my expense when I mentioned I was going to a yoga class today, chair yoga.

With a page full of classes from early in the morning to evening and never attending a yoga class beyond what Netflix/Hulu offers, yoga can be tough and I wanted to start off easy.

Chair yoga, while others may scoff, was an enjoyable and relaxing class. It was a large room with one whole wall of windows for natural lighting. With the lights off and spa-like music playing, it really made a relaxed setting. 

When you think chair yoga, think more, stretching. Stretching is good though. It was like stretching to the Calm app, relaxing and enjoyable. Very zen.

One does not sparkle though by the end of the hour, but I felt stretched and good.

The ladies were so welcoming and friendly. As I am in the class with thoughts racing through my mind... remembering my youth in the gym, in high impact step aerobics classes, kickboxing class, and classes in general that you dress to look super cute and keep up costing pulled muscles for days. Everything was a competition then from the outfits to out-performing others. There's a season for that and I rocked that season from my 20's to early 40's. 

I smile at these sweet ladies around me today and give them kudos for their dedication. They get up and get moving and after many conversations, they do lots of other classes together, too. There's no competition in the room, just women enjoying themselves, encouraging others, and that's a pleasant and positive environment.

Perhaps, chair yoga isn't my thing, but I'm having fun trying classes and being willing to do something I've never done before.