Wednesday, February 26, 2020


What tastes better..

Ramen noodles or a pot of homemade soup?

A frozen dinner or a good cut of meat fresh off a grill?

Powdered eggs or an omelet in the skillet with fresh veggies and meat?

You get the idea. 

I am a Catfish, The Bachelor, and Love is Blind junkie. It is shocking and entertaining how people desperately want an instant connection and instant love. Then everyone is baffled when the instant relationship doesn't work out. There was no foundation in the first place. 

Online dating is instant. People go online to meet someone, see a photo they like and take an attraction and force it into an instant connection and relationship. Sorting through the smoke and mirrors has to be exhausting and trying to make that mess work, even worse. *For the record, I don't online date. 

Everyone wants something right now. Immediate attention. An immediate connection. Instantaneous, fast food and fast love. 

Instant relationships are the same quality as instant food. It's not the real thing, it's a sad imitation. It may be immediate, but it doesn't truly satisfy. 

I had someone this week go from one day not being in my life, to the next calling and texting constantly, sharing too much information [to establish a quick relationship], to wanting to slide into a comfy relationship. RED FLAG ALERT! No thanks. I severed that shockingly quick. 

Hey, train wreck, this isn't your station. Keep moving.  

There is no room for drama when you have peace, happiness, and tranquility. 

I like the real thing. Homemade dinners and true love.