Monday, January 6, 2020


"Is that why you're still single, Dawn?" I was asked at work today while working with a handful of colleagues on a renovation project. 

Their phones kept tinging from spouses/partners texts, nagging conversations and those who complained openly after the calls, and those who don't complain but never say anything good and you just know it isn't a good relationship. It went on and on and on. I wanted to say say,"Good grief, why do you choose to live like this??"

I hear it all the time. People needing more out of their partners than what they are getting, the real life day in and day out stuff with another person that has some advantages, but mostly disappointments and shortcomings. 

This is the tip of the iceberg surface stuff. What about all the thoughts that junk up their mind and the frustrations, conversations, and arguments where everyone is wanting the other to fill a void they are not capable of filling. 

I've become so anti-drama in my single life that I find I protect it at all costs. It would take a miracle from God to find a partner I would want and I'm not even looking.  

Peace is underrated. Freedom from disturbance. Tranquility, stillness, calm and quiet, it's very zen. It's a season of clarity. 

So, when I was asked today, "Is that why you're still single, Dawn?" My answer was, "I will be single until I find someone sweeter than my solitude."