Sunday, January 26, 2020


One minute they are a toddler for what feels like forever, BLINK. Then, a teenager that feels like forever, BLINK. Suddenly, they are married and inviting me over for dinner. 

It does feel that surreal. 

It was a pleasant surprise to get an invitation to come over for dinner. Brooke made a pot roast with potatoes and carrots and a delicious gravy, I brought over dessert. 

It's been a while since I've had a pot roast and I forgot how good it is and the beef gravy was the perfect touch. Cooked to perfection, Brooke is an excellent host. I knew upon invitation, she'd have every detail covered and she'd slip easily into the role of a graceful host. 

Pulling out her prettiest crystal stemware, everything was prepared for my arrival. 

Fun conversation with my daughter and son-in-law, delicious food, Alex cleared the table and served dessert, a cinnamon coffee cake with coconut milk chocolate ice cream and a dollop of whip cream.

It was a lovely evening, thank you Brooke & Alex. xoxo