Friday, January 3, 2020

"hOnEy sUcKeR?"

The other day I was watching my Sofia at her house when she asked, "hOnEy sUcKeR?" I smiled. Oh my sweet granddaughter, I love honey suckers, too. So I told her when she comes over I will give her a honey sucker. Her eyes lit up and she shook her head, "YES!" 

When we were in Gatlinburg for our holiday vacation, my daughter and I stopped at the Savannah Bee Co. and I simply fell in love with the store. It was one of those moments where I didn't know which direction to start in. Do I walk straight ahead to the honey bar and start sampling, start to the right where the honey skin care products were, or to the left with bottles in every shape and size and flavor of honey. I was in heaven. 

Making a few purchases, we both grabbed a honey sucker for our drive back to the cabin. That's when my love affair with honey suckers began. So, I ordered several bags of honey suckers for Christmas when I got home. 

Two people know of my stash of these delightful treats, Sofia and Brooke.

Brooke stopped over one day and walking through the door in a very faint voice asked if I had a spoon full of honey she could have to help her throat. Okay, this momma knows her little girl and I asked if she would like a honey sucker, to which she woefully replied that she didn't have one.

That's when I lost my composure and called her out. She smiled. Miss Brooke & little Miss Sofia know I have a hidden stash. 

It's a special sweet treat and if it makes my sweet granddaughter happy in her heart knowing there are honey suckers for her at Gamma's house, I will clearly have to keep a constant supply or learn how to make these.