Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Theory of Grandma Gift Giving

I have #1 - a plausible and scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. #2 - A belief proposed or followed as the basis of action. #3 - An idea or hypothetical set of facts, principles or circumstances. [- Merriam-Webster] 

I have a theory of grandma gift giving. 

My preferred method is to give some gifts before Christmas day. 

Little ones get so many gifts in the thrill and excitement of Christmas morning, as one package after another are torn open, they are ready to tear into another. This is absolutely what Christmas mornings memories are made of when you're little and I have a pretty exciting gift for her Christmas day, too.

Preferring to stretch the excitement out and loving that gasp of excitement and sparkle in Sofia's eyes when I say, "I have a surprise!" Giving her time to really enjoy a random gift and why wait till Christmas, I found something I think will make her eyes sparkle in joy, and I don't want to wait to give it to her.

Presentation enhances the moment with a Frozen gift bag (her new favorite thing), and a yummy cookie. I'm excited to see my babies this morning before I go into work. 

This grandma doesn't simply stop by, I arrive.