Sunday, December 15, 2019

Phew, I Made It!

I MADE IT! I made it through an intense holiday event season and I did it with praise and accolades  my events were a total success. My team knocked them out of the park. 

Two intense weeks of massive parties, I had three parties one day, two today. Fifteen hour days are tough especially when every detail falls on me as well as keeping the staff performing well. I hit $30K revenue over budget for December, which is pretty awesome. 

The party tonight was extra generous handing me $1,000 in 100's to tip my team. They were excited, then he gave me a generous tip. 

I have a wedding, a pretty big New Years Eve party I am hosting, and another small party this month, but that's nothing compared to what my team just came through. It's time to slow down as we are now entering January and February which are off season months for events. 

Ahhhh, winter hours. Fa la la la la la la la la