Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I Did It!

I did it!

Yesterday, I surpassed my 2019 target revenue goal the new management set for me by $7K. 

I had this whole year to reach their target and I did before the end of February, now I am onto my personal goal for 2020 and will do my best to hit that in 2019 for game sake.  

When the new management company took over and I was kept on, they provided my salary + commission rate, I teasingly told him, "You are going to wish you didn't pay me as much." He laughed and said, "I hope so!" 

We both laughed. It wasn't that it was "so much" it was about my unlimited potential.

He had no idea that I am very competitive and I wouldn't have said that if there wasn't an element of truth. 

Exceeding my goals gives me bargaining leverage as well.