Sunday, February 10, 2019

Shout to the Lord

My jesus, my saviour Lord, there is none like you All of my days i want to praise The wonders of your might love. My comfort, my shelter Tower of refuge and strength Let every breath, all that i am Never cease to worship you ...

I grew up loving southern gospel music. There are moments when you hear a familiar song, it strikes a cord in my heart and I feel enflamed with I love this.

Take those moments and magnify it into a holy spirit filled, world get behind me moment, is when I have my Sofia in my arms dancing with her. She loves music and minutes after I arrive she is in my purse pulling out my iPhone. She knows the routine.

Pandora has an excellent Kids Praise Christian music station we stream through a Bluetooth speaker and often we dance.

Shout to the Lord came on yesterday, while her momma was getting ready for us to leave for a day out, we danced.

Let me tell you ... hold love in your arms and suddenly praise music comes to life in a way I've never experienced it. My sweet granddaughter and I twirled and danced and when she put her head on my shoulder a million thanks to God went up. I love these moments! Thank you, God!

Shout to the lord
All the earth, let us sing Power and majesty Praise to the king. Mountains bow down And the seas will roar At the sound of your name. I sing for joy At the work of your hands Forever i'll love you Forever i'll stand. Nothing compares To the promise i have in you.