Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Driving Force

Want to light a fire under a team and get things in ship shape? Plan an Open House. 

Today is the big day! Under new ownership and new management, I made the executive decision to plan an Open House and invite the public with full support of the Mayor and the City. 

Talk about light a fire under the team, no room was untouched.

We turned on music and tore down border (dated wallpaper) and had a team of professional painters come in to begin stage 1 of painting projects. We hired a housekeeper who is a deep cleaning rock star. What a difference she has made in a week.

The ladies locker room has been renovated into a Bridal Suite for my brides, which has been my personal mission and such a fun project! Now, done in gray tones with black, white and silver accents, a stunning decorative mirror, and all-inclusive with a 6' x 4’ leaner mirror my brides can see themselves in their dresses fully in. Beautiful canvas art photos I ordered were shipped in throughout the week for romantic ambiance.

The bridal suite reminds me of Mariah's nursery when I was pregnant with her. Her room was finished months before her arrival and I would sit in her room and rock fully pregnant dreaming of her arrival. I walk into the Bridal Suite multiple times a day.

It isn't fully finished as I want a new floor in there and need the changing rooms behind the new curtains painted as well as curtains hung over the wall of lockers. But, it is done enough for the Open House. A couple of my brides have seen the new room, I loved their excitement.

I became a driving force this week.

Not everyone has strong work ethics and I am feeling like the lion in the jungle. There was too much to do, but what a great way to make a major dent in projects. Running out of hours yesterday with multiple projects needing wrapped up, I felt like one of those home improvement shows where there is only hours left and everyone is racing to finish projects.

A few slackers, always looking at their phones, taking lunch breaks and having conversations, I made a list of projects that need finished. Letting the General Manager (whom I adore and share an office with) know "Let everyone know, nobody is leaving today until all these projects are done." I am serious.

At one point the General Manager asked what do I need him to do next, I said, "Clean your desk!" We laughed. He is a great guy, but isn't organized. My half of the office is clean and tidy, his half? You can imagine.

I had a specialty linen company come in yesterday afternoon and stage the Ballroom as a wedding and a florist complemented tables in fresh flowers. One of my favorite DJ's arrives this morning to set uplighting and play music for great atmosphere. Many of my brides and prospective brides are coming in today to see the renovations and ideas with the Ballroom staged.

Last night after the tables were staged the management team stuck around to finish the final project, setting the tables. They've never done it and it was a good opportunity for them to see how much work goes into setting formal table settings. Always doing a setting as the template others can follow with specific instructions, I did inform them that I go behind each chair to make sure every setting is perfect.

Events are very detailed oriented.

I have pulled 10-14 hour days and haven't slept through the night for weeks. Waking up all hours of the night with details racing through my mind. It started at 1:00 a.m. today and at 3:00 a.m. I just got up.

Tonight, I will celebrate with good wine and honestly, I cannot wait to sleep.

There are still so many projects the City, the new management company, and I have on our radar with timelines to do, but all in all, I believe our guests today will walk in and see and feel a difference.

We did it!