Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bigger Than Me

Tonight was my first Board meeting as well as meeting the others Board members in the beginning stages of this new nonprofit. None of us untouched by suicide and me grateful its over eight years later for me. I met fabulous professionals that bring a strength to their role. A director at a local large hospital lost her son less than a year ago, the founder of the non profit lost her husband over a year ago and has two small children. Others have their own story. 

I knew I was meant to be there as I sat in awe feeling the significance of what I am a apart of. This is so much bigger than me and look how God brought this team together. I knew I was meant to be there.

Believe me, I almost said no a couple times to being part of this. It's a painful subject that I am grateful it is far behind me and that is where I wanted it to stay.

But, God ... 

I see how my role beyond fundraising and community outreach within this group will be breathing life and encouragement into my new Board members and friends who are still so new to life after loss. When their strength fails them and they are navigating their way through the murky waters with their children, I will be on the sidelines reminding them time and love and God heals. 

Pieces of a puzzle coming together and I am beginning to see the big picture. 

I love everything about this new nonprofit and somehow God wants me a part of it. I believe in the direction, the purpose and the mission: Provide suicide loss survivors with the opportunities to heal from grief and trauma of losing a loved one to suicide. 

There is help for those who are struggling with suicide; however, there is little help for those who are struggling as a loss survivor of suicide. 

Just another unexpected life twist.