Thursday, February 14, 2019

Chaos Coordinator

I never knew I would enjoy being a wedding coordinator, being the person in charge of making a girls dream day become all she wants it to be. Where I fine tune the details and blow fairy dust to give them more than they hoped for.

Each wedding and each bride is very different. There is a passive bride who doesn't care about the details and allows everyone else to choose. Then there is the micro manager bride that knows exactly what she wants, has every detail listed and lets every person in their bridal party know what the expectation is. 

Both are easy.

The bride who doesn't care about the details is easy to please. The micro manager bride handles all the details. Share them with me and I ensure it happens.

Bridezillas? They are annoying by nature and I often feel sorry for the grooms parents as they see what their son is about to marry. The grooms? Hey, they are adults and I'm pretty confident they see the brides behavior prior to wedding day. 

The upside of dealing with a bridezilla is I already know what the plan is for the day and our venue is spacious enough where I role out their day with little contact with them. Their entourage/bff's can coddle and jump on command. Not me. 

Then there are the parents of the bride and groom. They come from nervous for their baby's getting married in general to nervous of the cost of the wedding/reception. They come in at odd's with the other set of parents and sometime the mom's come in to lay down scenario and control the show. 

I allow them all to be themselves and have the wedding they want. 

One of my more memorable weddings was when the gift table had to be at the front of the room, farthest from the doors, because the room was full of thieves. The father of the bride had to take the cards out of the card box and lock them in a hiding place all evening. 

Planning a wedding can feel overwhelming. Whether it is simply elegant or elegantly simple, tell me what you want. I ask a couple easy to answer questions and voila! it's done.

Many brides openly say they book at our venue because of me. They love my relaxed approach to their day and openness to give them the wedding and reception they've dreamed of. 

Truly, I want them to have the wedding day they've imagined since they were a little girl. It's an awesome responsibility. I can add special touches they haven't even thought of and I can see their excitement bubble over. 

For me, I get to see the behind the scenes nervous excitement, the vows from beautifully traditional to striving for extremely unconventional and yes, sometimes I cringe. The food, the atmosphere, the delicious cakes & pastries and evenings of dance music fill their air. 

Brides-to-be, a cookie bar with 6,000 is ridiculous. Having 500 dozen cookies in my walk-in cooler that I have to set and stage for you to end up loading up and carrying home is far too much. Whoever has the most cookies is not guaranteed happily ever after. 

I never knew I was going to enjoy this unexpected career in my life so much.