Saturday, February 16, 2019


I am forcing myself to decompress this weekend. 

Since the transition of new ownership and new management January 1st, I have been working continuously. Pretty much 10-14 hour days (no breaks and working through lunch, sometimes I can be a bit of a workaholic) and I am lucky to have one day off. 

New owners, new management, new team, all new equipment, new systems to learn (about 10 with different functionalities and trainings + trainings + trainings ...), while doing events and renovations which started this week, and the phones ringing off the hook with leads supernaturally pouring in, as a girl who thrives in multi-tasking very well, I have it in me to keep the momentum going. 

But, I'm not. 

I choose to decompress this weekend and have purposely and intentionally kept this weekend open, free of work for two whole days.

I am no good to anyone depleted. The thing is, I'm not depleted. I feel like I am racing on caffeine and can continue working at a feverish pace. Did I mention we have an open house next weekend?

My goal for myself is to step away from working for two days. When my mind races with work thoughts and ideas, I force myself to shut them down and embrace two days off.

Believe me, Monday I will be like a dog at the races chomping at the bit for the gates to open and take off running!

Work hard. Play hard. Reward yourself.

That already started.

Who knew Tiffany Blue and pink go together so well!

Getting my nails done, a few fun purchases for me and and evening of snuggles and kisses with my very pregnant Mariah & Sofia, I woke up today to ... slow down ... relax ... what do I want to do ... what sounds good ... what sounds fun and I'm doing it. 

When my mind thinks work, I shift it into relax mode. It's time to decompress. 

Well, decompress with three events I chose on my personal schedule for today. ha ha