Saturday, March 2, 2019

Hot Stone Pedicure

It was a combination of two upcoming vacations this month, a celebration of surpassing my budget goals for all of 2019 by the end of February, to the excitement of having a 2-1/2 day weekend, and the fact that I worked a 12-hour day + event in heels the day before and was up eating Advil at 3:00 a.m. due to my feet and ankles hurting so bad that I couldn't sleep, that I made the executive decision it was time (let's be honest, it was long overdue) that I get a pedicure. 

I wanted to sit in a body massaging chair and soak in a hot bubbling foot bath when the nail technician handed me a brochure asking what kind of a pedicure I wanted. 

With a very pregnant daughter, my heart went out to this girl who was very pregnant herself and thought she may appreciate a generous tip. 

I can't remember if I made it to church last weekend and when I don't make it there and tithe, I seem to find other areas of making a donation to help another who may need something extra. It's kind of my tithing outside of church. 

Honestly, I appreciate she was sweet, quiet and didn't talk much. I wanted to soak, sip my iced coffee I brought in with me, and lose myself in magazines. 

The brochure had a selection of pedicures and the moment I laid my eyes on the hot stone massage with herbal detox massage and wrap (it was worded much better in the brochure), suddenly I knew it was exactly what I needed.

I wanted an unrushed, relaxing experience and that is exactly what she provided. She did an excellent job taking her time and covering every detail. She brought out this mix of fresh herbs in a bowl she blended together in front of me and generously applied them to my feet and legs massaging them in. 

It was an even better experience than I had anticipated. While the herbs were working their detoxing magic she went off to get the mask and oil. A mask was put on next with hot towels laid over top to warm and rejuvenate. After the herbs were washed off, the mask was washed off, and the oil was massaged in, out came the hot stones that was used to massage my legs and feet. It was AMAZING!

Lastly, a fabulous new color finished my pedicure. 

Well, I thought it was lastly. She did such a good job that I stayed for a manicure.

As I am writing this blog post, it came to mind that I need to schedule my spa selections for vacation a luxury spa resort the end of this month out west in the desert. I have fond memories of the unique spa treatments I have experienced through the years at different resorts. It's a luxury I enjoy and the justification for working as hard as I do. 

Work hard. Play hard. It isn't just a mantra I throw around lightly. 

Two vacations this month, both in sunny destinations. I look forward to soaking up sunshine and getting sun-kissed skin after a long, cold winter.