Tuesday, February 5, 2019

New Board Member Appointed

Of all the things I've lived through and am grateful as every year passes, for some reason, I absolutely believe God has another plan. 

A professional contact connected with a woman who was interested in planning a couple of events. A spur of the moment meeting turned into our paths crossing and we became two women sharing our unique experiences. She said I was exactly what she needed, with my own experience to add to my role, would I be interested in being on her Board of Directors?

The call came today, I was voted on last night by the Board and am now the new Board member that serves overseeing a nonprofit program to help survivors of suicide.

Honestly, I really had to do some soul searching wanting that in the rear view mirror of my life, but ...

But, is the segue to there is something else. I wish I would have known about this program many years ago when the aftermath was a nightmare. 

The woman I met who began this non profit, her husband committed suicide and she has two very little girls. My personal experience is slightly different and my role for my daughter became one where I had to learn to become a powerful advocate in her life and I think of those who don't have an advocate. 

While I want this far, far behind me, I do believe God has another plan. With supernatural paths crossing, if God is saying, "Will you?" I am saying yes.