Thursday, January 24, 2013


Brooke is unbribable.

Grandma used to pay her $1 up to a couple of dollars to taste a new food when she was little. It worked after much begging and financial bargaining, but Brooke soon realized that Grandma would pay a good amount for her to simply try a new food. She is a hardcore negotiator.

That wasn't the way I was raised.

Now that Brooke has her own income from social security, you cannot pay her $20 - $50 to try a new food. She doesn't care about your money, she has her own. "No thanks, I don't need your money."  Poor Mariah would eat dog food for $5 I'm betting.

Tonight, when we went out for dinner I asked Brooke to please take a bite and try steamed broccali.

"What will you give me?"  Here we go.

"What do you want?" I put the ball in her court.

She wanted a free day off school.  No, she just had one she won in a bargain.

We sat their for 5 minutes brainstorming what would be a fair award in Brooke's mind worthy enough of tasting the broccali. The broccali is getting cold by the minute.

I offered her a get out of chores free pass.  No, she doesn't mind doing chores.

I offered her a get out of chores free pass when her and Mariah have a running list of chores.  No, she would feel bad Mariah doing the work by herself.

There was nothing left ot bargain with, but my trump card ... the get out of church free pass ... but that will be offered and dangled like a golden carrot for the ultimate bribe under my terms and conditions. 

We simply could not come up with anything tempting to her, so she just ate the broccali on the grounds that when we do come up with a good reward, she has already ate the price.

Unbribable. Spoiled. Brat.