Monday, January 28, 2013

Touched By An Angel

I found out yesterday that my grandmother had been in the hospital this past week and I called her.

After bringing me up-to-speed with her condition, Grandma said, "I saw an angel." 

She had my undivided attention!

She told me how she was sleeping and felt a touch on her shoulder. When she opened her eyes a very tall, beautiful woman, an angel was standing next to her with giant bright white wings.

My mind raced with a million questions. She said it only lasted a matter of seconds, but her wings were so large and bright. I asked her when this happened, she said Friday.

For the record, my grandmother is not crazy. Her behavior has been colorful by choice in the past, but her mind is super sharp. She told the nurses and they assured her either she was close to death or she was going to be fine.  My grandmother is fine now, after a week of dehydration and severe flu symptoms and she gets to go home today.

I had chills when she was sharing her story, for reasons beyond her sharing she was touched by an angel.

Let me back up a bit ... Friday I was driving to the store and I felt a moment of feeling really unsettled.  I said a quick prayer of safety for my girls, my home, my mom & dad on their vacation, and for my grandmother, "she is alone, put your angels with her, and keep her safe."

It's one thing to pray for supernatural safety in blind faith, it's another to realize your specific prayer may have become a manifestation. There is a whole new awareness with that, an understanding of the power of prayer at a deeper level.

I wonder if she was close to death and the angel was already there.

I wonder if her end of time on earth is near.

I wonder if it was the 6th sense of a granddaughter that sensed her grandmother needed a prayer states away.