Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Gazelle

The universe is active, guys are in hot pursuit.

A funny conversation with a too hot for his own good, dangerously sexy player, says to me that he is a lion and I am his prey. Okay, I'm smiling and I'm going to play. I'm about to text him that I cannot be caught because I am a gazelle, except I'm not 100% how to spell gazelle. Is it with an a, e or i?

A quick Google search brings up a couple of links verifying the spelling, but it is the Urban Dictionary link that catches my attention:

A good looking, yet aloof girl who is consistently guarded when a man shows interest. She will give the impression of mild interest, even go out on dates with a man she is not that interested in, and then run at the first sign of genuine pursuit. On rare occasions, the man is able to catch her interest anyway.

Oh my gosh, I am a gazelle.

This explains my panic with my 30 year old friend who wants to be a part of my life.

I was being coy with the player today, refusing to easily give into his tempting pursuit. I didn't realize that the very animal known for running at high speeds to out run its predator has also been labeled as one of us who run from permanency in relationships.

A gazelle is a softer term then being called a black widow though, which was the term I used to hear a lot 10 years ago.

Neither are terms I'm happy with. I wish I had the gene in me that made me happy and content to simply settle and be happy with someone.

You would think the older you get one would want to settle down, but it's actually the opposite. The older I get the less I could imagine anyone trespassing on my freedom.

This is making my heart sad tonight.

Maybe, someday, there will be one who is completely available and we will both want forever together. I'm really hoping.