Monday, February 1, 2021

It’s Time


My first thought when I saw this notice in my mailbox was, "Are you EFFING kidding me?!?!" My second thought was, "Good... this is the perfect segue for a much needed conversation..."

A heavy snowfall last night and I woke up to all the local schools closed and my street had tire tracks. Taking a friend to the airport and heading into work, it never crossed my mind that my sidewalk wasn't shoveled for the mailman. I was contemplating if the roads were safe enough to even drive.

Today was the 1st time my sidewalk was not shoveled since I moved in this house last spring.

Here are my grievances with the postal carriers...

       - When the snow falls and my house looks like a postcard WITH the driveway and sidewalk shoveled, how about you NOT walk through my yard (clearly the snow isn't an issue), and don't leave foot prints in the snow disrupting the picturesque scene in front of my house?! Every. Single. Day. when I pull in and out of my driveway, I see those footprints where the mailperson walks through my yard instead of on my sidewalk and it infuriates me. I struggle to not call the post office daily. 

      - How about my mail being three weeks late over Christmas? Utilities and Christmas cards intended for December, arriving the 3rd week in January. The kind of service I need and expect?

We all have our quirks. If you are not one of my grandbabies, stay off my snow. 

The postal carrier had the nerve to put this in my mailbox? 

Thank you... I will be calling the post office tomorrow.