Sunday, February 28, 2021

My Arms Filled with Grandbabies


My daughter's funny and I cracked up at her text. I'm not sure who was more excited to have me come home from vacation, her or my grandbabies. I believe its mutual. Me, I was happy to see all of them and I came home with souvenirs, which Sofia clearly was not letting her momma forget!

With my Fitbit on, I was ready for an evening with my babies. At 1 year and 3 years old, I definitely get my steps running in my house. Rowan would point and I would ask, "Do you want me to chase you?" His eyes would light up like stars and he'd shake his head wildly, "Yes!" 

He still doesn't talk much and my name is still, Ma to him. It's so hard to believe he will be 2 years old in a couple of months. 

Sofia loves presents! She also loves being at my house and I love that she is so comfortable here knowing where everything is. Rowan does, too. She just slides into what interests her.

My favorite part of my evening with them was when Rowan got sleepy. He grabbed his blanky and sippy cup and snuggled on my lap. Sofia said, "wHeRe aM i gOiNg tO sIt?" 

Ohhhhh, this grandmomma will always have plenty of room in my arms for my babies. She climbed onto my lap and as my arms were full of love, I still have moments that hit me where I cannot believe I am a grandmother. My arms filled with my snuggly grandbabies, I pulled up videos on my phone. One of their favorites is with Brooke & Alex's sweet little puppy, Hamilton. It was the day my grandbabies met my grand-fur baby and they were playing chase through my house. 

It was a moment where I wanted time to slow down, my two grands snuggled on my lap and in my arms and yet another arriving in only 6 weeks. I. Cannot. Wait.