Sunday, February 7, 2021

Not for the Faint of Heart


Brooke and I were enjoying lunch together and talking when she mentioned someone we know is hurting and another who needs to step up and be the role model they are supposed to be. She shared that I was her role model growing up and while deep inside I know it, hearing it is beautiful. Brooke shared if she were the mom how she would handle the situation and it mimicked how I handled situations with her. 

She's older now and she looks at things through a wise set of eyes. Through the eyes of experience, where she was then and where she is now. Reaching this point is like running across the finish line of the world's longest marathon. Arms up and praises of "Thank you, Jesus, we made it!"

To say life was a battle is an understatement. I remember being in a very dark place with her, for a long time. Having to come to terms with myself, loving her enough, that I will always go one step further than her with every boundary she pushed. I let her know, then I had to prove it many times. I had to become one pissed off momma determined to walk through hell and did. It was war and honestly, it was spiritual warfare. This went on for years. 

God knew I could handle it, that's why He trusted me with her. She was worth every battle and we came out on the other side. She is a well-mannered, well-spoken, well put together young woman, who does the work it takes to establish and run her home. She knows her financial priorities and not only meets them, exceeds them and enjoys the rewards of working hard. She is firm in her faith and morals and lives without any vices or addictions. She is a contributing member of society and a law-abiding citizen. I am so proud of her! 

Raising great young adults is not for the faint of heart. Whether it's easy street with some or daily battles with another, do the work. 

Do the hard work of raising them right during the window of life you have them and let them fly from the nest. That's our job as a parent. 

Passive parenting makes entitled, disrespectful brats and asshole adults. 

"Little Johnny, I'm going to count to 3... 18, 19, 20... "

Enable a child's poor behavior and... continue to support them and clean up their messes because they cannot function for years that far exceed the age of 18. It absolutely adds unnecessary years of drama to their life and yours. And, if you don't like your own kids, nobody else does either.