Friday, February 12, 2021

My Little Valentine


In the car, I told her I had a Valentine's gift for her and when we walk in the door, she has to pick up her Minnie basket, because I hid candy all over the house for a Valentine candy scavenger hunt. She replied, "oH mY gOsH, i aM gOiNg  tO   f R e A k   O u T! [Said in high pitched excitement.]

It's her new term and she's only 3. 

She asked me what took me so long to pick her up. For the record, I was actually a few minutes early. I said I had a few stores I had to run to. She asked what stores. This is said in the tone of commanding answers. It's just in her DNA. 

She asked if I've already put the candy all over the house before I picked her up. I did. 

Do I know all of her cousins names? I prattled them off, but forgot Junie-bugs. She reminded me. 

Picking up lunch, she ran excitedly all over the house picking up candy and loved her Valentine's Day gift, clip-on little girl earrings. 

We played ice cream shop, ate candy, played doll house, played swimming pool with her dolls in the sink with bubbles, we both dressed up in fancy dresses and heels and went to the ball twirling and dancing with each other. It was hours of entertainment.

My favorite part of the day was when we were playing ice cream, which is really her making bowls of real ice cream with whip topping and candy and eating it, she came over and sat on my lap and snuggled against me. I wrapped my arms around her sturdy little body, smelled her hair, kissed her cheeks and sent up a "thank you, God.

Several hours later, it was time to go home because I had my strength training class. She wanted me to show her what kind of exercises I do. Then, she showed me Jeremy's exercises which were sit ups.

"yOu hAvE a rEaLlY bIg hOuSe, gRaMmy... iTs pReTtY." Thank you, Sofia.

On the way home, she was singing Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over and mid-song, there was silence... her head was down and she was lights out! 

My sweet grandbaby, Happy Valentine's Day, Sofia. I love you.